R.I.P. Clifford Geertz
I know I'm a couple of days late on this, but I felt I had to post something about the passing of Professor Geertz (thanks to Nell and Majid for bringing it to my attention; the death of an eminent American anthropologist isn't exactly big news in Korea). Although I didn't always agree with his writings (and I still think "Balinese Cockfight" simply points out the obvious), he was certainly one of the giants of the field and indirectly had a significant impact on my life and my decision to study Anthropology.
Hi, I'm Ofurhe, a friend of your brother's. Just plowing through my requirements at the University of Chicago, and read some Geertz for my SOSC class...then he died.
Anyways, hope you have a great time in Korea, life here is cold and boring.
Hey roomie!
So if you go to http://www.flickr.com/photos/jessicahitch/ that's where all my photos are and you can grab any that you want! I've been trying to keep up on tags, but not so much so that it's a reliable way to see all the ones you want.
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